Thursday, March 14, 2013

Name Game

 This blog post is an edited version. I intended to post this before I gave birth to my beloved son. So, here.

One of the first few things that hubby and I did for Baby  had been finding the right name. Yet, even after we saw Baby we had not agreed which is which.

Asawa Ko seemed to be okay with the idea of having three (3) names as baby's first name. I was not. I think he has not realized its downside because his name is just a 5-letter word. Having 2 names is already a no-no for me. I suppose you can imagine how I feel about 3 names.

At first, we thought of naming Baby "Zerachiel." It means 'God's command.' Zerachiel is actually one of the archangels.

Then, when I thought of combining the names of our respective fathers, Alfredo and Efren, we resolved that Baby is no more Zerachiel. We have Alfren. Then, we considered Simon. As days passed I noticed that there are many Simons already. My hubby still likes it though. He is the father and he has the right to choose. Simon is the name. Then, while watching a vid, I saw someone which has a "Ray" as a name and I thought it's cool. When I shared it with hubby and told him that it means "ray of the sun."
Hello, Baby Simoun...
In the hospital, we finished the name game with the blessing of my mother. We came up with Simoun Alfren Ray as Baby's first name.I find the name suited for Baby. I just wish that by the time he goes to school, he will be required to type his name, instead of writing it.

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