Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Love Baby

No wonder, I coined this blog as I Love Baby Station! Baby Simoun was born on Love Day a.k.a.Valentines Day.

My expected due date is February 20. But when, I visited my OB and got the result of my third ultrasound, I was made aware that Baby is already big enough. Scared to undergo CS, I followed the instruction of my OB religiously. Walking, walking and walking plus Evening Prim Oil. I even googled labor inducing method.

At 12:45 of February, it was unusual that I was awakened by a call of nature. It's supposed to be at around 4 a.m.When I checked the toilet, I noticed something so I immediate called my sister. She told me that it's time. We went to the hospital at 4 a.m.. When my b.p. which was initially 130/90, became 120/80, I was advised by doctor to go home and get some sleep and walk if possible. At 10 a.m., contraction interval was 2 to 3 minutes, so when I arrived at the clinic and was checked, my doctor, herself brought me to the hospital.

Everything happened so fast. I was thankful that I was able to greet my hubby "happy monthsary" and "happy valentines" early that morning.  That was the start of another most memorable day of our life.

The Valentine Baby

Valentines Day has never been memorable until you came Baby Simoun, my Baby Love.

Precious Smile

There are a lot of happenings that I should have posted here. Unfortunately, I could not buy time so I will just write whatever I could.

As a new mom, I can't help but share the joy I felt the first time I saw my Baby Simoun's smile. Having him is a mystery and his smile is such a blessing that erased all the pains I went through.

On Baby Simoun's first day, I was in the recovery room and he was asleep when he was shown to me. I just had glimpsed of him because my condition was unstable. On his second day, I didn't see him because I was undersgoing blood transfusion. On his third day, I was blessed to see his smile. It was overwhelming. It was only then that I realized how early a human life can smile. I never thought of it until I saw Papa God's gift.

Smiling while sleeping

Seems enjoying his hiccups
Truly, being a mom is such a wonderful journey which is affirmed by a baby's angelic smile.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Slower Each Day

On January 31, I was advised that Baby is big enough, yet there is no sign that he'll be out soon. My cervix is not in proper position. It's posterior, according to my OB. She also said that the passage is narrow. OMG! I don't want to stay long in the delivery room and endure too much pain. So, my doctor's word means serious exercise.

Walking had been a piece of cake for the first 3 days after the check up. I even boasted to my Ate that I don't walk like a pregnant woman. Now, I must admit that pains are bothering me. Finding a most comfortable sleeping position is quite a challenge. Standing is now a task. Slowly but surely is the key.

Yeah! I'm becoming slower each day. Doing the laundry this morning was like 5x more difficult than it used to be because I could hardly walk.

Physical activities have never been this big deal. Sometimes, I feel guilty for failing to be a nice wife to my hubby. I don't cook for him anymore. I rarely make him smile and laugh. The good thing is that he has remained a very loving partner.

I guess, we are thinking of the same thing... ANYTHING FOR OUR BABY!

Since Baby is about to come out, I have thought of taking a souvenir of my baby bump this morning. Here,  

I love you, Baby!