Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Love Baby

No wonder, I coined this blog as I Love Baby Station! Baby Simoun was born on Love Day a.k.a.Valentines Day.

My expected due date is February 20. But when, I visited my OB and got the result of my third ultrasound, I was made aware that Baby is already big enough. Scared to undergo CS, I followed the instruction of my OB religiously. Walking, walking and walking plus Evening Prim Oil. I even googled labor inducing method.

At 12:45 of February, it was unusual that I was awakened by a call of nature. It's supposed to be at around 4 a.m.When I checked the toilet, I noticed something so I immediate called my sister. She told me that it's time. We went to the hospital at 4 a.m.. When my b.p. which was initially 130/90, became 120/80, I was advised by doctor to go home and get some sleep and walk if possible. At 10 a.m., contraction interval was 2 to 3 minutes, so when I arrived at the clinic and was checked, my doctor, herself brought me to the hospital.

Everything happened so fast. I was thankful that I was able to greet my hubby "happy monthsary" and "happy valentines" early that morning.  That was the start of another most memorable day of our life.

The Valentine Baby

Valentines Day has never been memorable until you came Baby Simoun, my Baby Love.

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