Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Slower Each Day

On January 31, I was advised that Baby is big enough, yet there is no sign that he'll be out soon. My cervix is not in proper position. It's posterior, according to my OB. She also said that the passage is narrow. OMG! I don't want to stay long in the delivery room and endure too much pain. So, my doctor's word means serious exercise.

Walking had been a piece of cake for the first 3 days after the check up. I even boasted to my Ate that I don't walk like a pregnant woman. Now, I must admit that pains are bothering me. Finding a most comfortable sleeping position is quite a challenge. Standing is now a task. Slowly but surely is the key.

Yeah! I'm becoming slower each day. Doing the laundry this morning was like 5x more difficult than it used to be because I could hardly walk.

Physical activities have never been this big deal. Sometimes, I feel guilty for failing to be a nice wife to my hubby. I don't cook for him anymore. I rarely make him smile and laugh. The good thing is that he has remained a very loving partner.

I guess, we are thinking of the same thing... ANYTHING FOR OUR BABY!

Since Baby is about to come out, I have thought of taking a souvenir of my baby bump this morning. Here,  

I love you, Baby!

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