Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Precious Smile

There are a lot of happenings that I should have posted here. Unfortunately, I could not buy time so I will just write whatever I could.

As a new mom, I can't help but share the joy I felt the first time I saw my Baby Simoun's smile. Having him is a mystery and his smile is such a blessing that erased all the pains I went through.

On Baby Simoun's first day, I was in the recovery room and he was asleep when he was shown to me. I just had glimpsed of him because my condition was unstable. On his second day, I didn't see him because I was undersgoing blood transfusion. On his third day, I was blessed to see his smile. It was overwhelming. It was only then that I realized how early a human life can smile. I never thought of it until I saw Papa God's gift.

Smiling while sleeping

Seems enjoying his hiccups
Truly, being a mom is such a wonderful journey which is affirmed by a baby's angelic smile.

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