Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Beauty Secret Revealed

I have heard that "the best father is one who loves his wife." I am not sure if my hubby has heard of it before or he is guided by pure father's instinct.

When it comes to having a baby, it's always the mother who is in the spotlight. That is why I thought of showing my gratitude to my very loving and caring husband, my Asawa Ko.

When I got pregnant, almost everyone guessed, we will have a princess. "You are blooming. You will have a girl;" "Hiyang ka magbuntis. Siguro, babae yan;" and "Pustahan tayo. Babae yan!" are just some of my frequently-heard statements.

So, when we finally found out our baby's gender, everyone was surprised.

As for me, the reason why I look pleasant is that my happiness radiates. I have been well-taken-cared of. I always feel that I am loved and that I could not find anyone who could love me and my baby as much as my hubby. He makes me feel that he has loved me more although I am huge. I assured me that I am still sexy in his eyes though he could hardly carry me. He watches my diet. He monitors my vitamin-intake. He prepares my milk. When he's home, he pampers me. He makes me smile. If he could do everything, we would, just for me. Most of all, he has been very patient.

I can't imagine being pregnant without him.  Who is going to help me rub those difficult-to-reach parts when bathing? Who is going to help me dress up? Who will bring me "pasalubong?" Who will tell the jeepney driver or a passenger not to smoke because I am pregnant? Indeed, things become easier because he is around.
Not even a bad hair day can make me look ugly.

I love you, Asawa Ko. Thank you for making me beautiful.

For the Books

Usually, when I go malling alone, which is very common, you can find me either at the home section of the department store or in any bookstore.

If I have money, I don't go home without any book. You may call it addiction. This could be the reason why others think I love reading. Until now, I am not sure of that though. In fact, I have tons of unread books.

Now, let's go to the story.

I had a chance of bonding with my sister, Len, after Christmas. While waiting for her in Cubao, I visited National Bookstore. Though I wasn't sure if I had extra for books, I went straight to the Law books section. I was glad that I did not find any book I need in school. Law books cost an arm, a leg and you may include my neck. haha..

At the bargain section, I found "Who Moved My Cheese." Knowing it is a perfect book for someone, I bought it. Then, I found some irresistible books. I bought only two (2). Imagine me, closing my eyes while paying. Here, 

Forty to 50% off then, less my Laking National points means savings.

Oh! I just love them. I finished the small one right away and I have read the first few chapters of Babytalk book.

This new chapter in my life is truly a wonderful learning experience.

The Right Time

The clock is ticking. It seems that like I am bomb ready to explode. haha... I guess, I am exaggerating things.

These past few days, I've been thinking of whether or not I should ready myself for an early or late delivery, if possible. Why? It's not that I do not want to give birth in February, but it is about having my baby born under year of the dragon or snake. I am a snake, by the way. I am sure many of you who are reading this would like to give me a sermon by this time, but please, I don't need one.

Don't fret. I have decided to see Baby on the EDD, i.e., my expected due date based on my ultrasound. Of course, if Baby wants see the world earlier, Mommy and Daddy would welcome him with all smiles and open arms.

How did I arrive at this? Well, I just read that complications are more common among early-term babies, those born at 37 or at 38 weeks. As a mom, of course, I want the best for Baby. If I was able to endure 8 months, what is two weeks to me? Avoiding risks is the best thing I can do for Baby right now. Finally, I don't like, even just the idea of, having my baby through C-section. I will not dwell on the details because I think this one is pretty understandable.

This pic was taken more or less one (1) month before Baby sees the light.
Anyway, as the time approaches, the more I realize, that there are a lot of things to be accomplished. Why hurry? Now, I firmly believe that the right time is when Baby is ready.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hello, Baby!

On July 9, Daddy and I saw baby for the first time. So, it's confirmed. There's life inside my tummy and the countdown begins.

Greetings flooded our FB's wall. Now, the world knows that it's official. Hubby and I are no longer just husband and wife. We will soon become Daddy and Mommy.

I could still remember when the doctor told me that his heartbeat was normal. Tears fell down. Of course, that was tears of overwhelming gratitude. The life inside me is a PRESENT, a gift from the One Above and a product of love.

Those Two Lines

Though I was already delayed which was very unusual, I was hesitant to use a pregnancy test kit. Why?

First, I haven't seen one. Second, I don't know how to use it. Third, I've heard stories of false alarm. Forth, I might disappoint my ultra-excited hubby. Fifth... Sixth...

To make the story short, my hubby bought one. Well, I think, it is costly. I wanted to return and just wait until I see a growing watermelon in my tummy. hahaha... Anyway, for first timers, just follow the guide on how to use it. I was able to figure it out, so I believe, you will too.

When I showed the result to my hubby,  his reaction was so memorable. He didn't know if he will shout, laugh, or whatever. He took a picture of the proof. For the record, it was on June 28, 2012.

At that time, all I want is to make him happy. And I knew I succeeded. 

This was the beginning...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Baby is Coming.

I do write but not really a writer. I just write to express myself, something that I am not really good at. But the ultimate reason why I made this blog is I love my baby.

Guided by my love, I am glad to enter the realm of motherhood. Others make it sound appealing. Some give some warnings. Some compare it to a roller-coaster ride. Whatever it is for me, one thing I know is that each child is unique and the same thing goes with pregnancy. I welcome comments, but please do not lecture me based solely on your own experience. However, feel free to share your own adventure and misadventure.

With all the tips and advice around, perhaps, this blog will reassure me that I am trying to be the best mom I could possibly be. Somehow, this will keep my sanity as I go through most-traveled yet the most mysterious road of motherhood.