Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Right Time

The clock is ticking. It seems that like I am bomb ready to explode. haha... I guess, I am exaggerating things.

These past few days, I've been thinking of whether or not I should ready myself for an early or late delivery, if possible. Why? It's not that I do not want to give birth in February, but it is about having my baby born under year of the dragon or snake. I am a snake, by the way. I am sure many of you who are reading this would like to give me a sermon by this time, but please, I don't need one.

Don't fret. I have decided to see Baby on the EDD, i.e., my expected due date based on my ultrasound. Of course, if Baby wants see the world earlier, Mommy and Daddy would welcome him with all smiles and open arms.

How did I arrive at this? Well, I just read that complications are more common among early-term babies, those born at 37 or at 38 weeks. As a mom, of course, I want the best for Baby. If I was able to endure 8 months, what is two weeks to me? Avoiding risks is the best thing I can do for Baby right now. Finally, I don't like, even just the idea of, having my baby through C-section. I will not dwell on the details because I think this one is pretty understandable.

This pic was taken more or less one (1) month before Baby sees the light.
Anyway, as the time approaches, the more I realize, that there are a lot of things to be accomplished. Why hurry? Now, I firmly believe that the right time is when Baby is ready.

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